Thursday, March 26, 2009

Aisha's Speech (last amnq post)

"My name is Aisha Hossain. And I am a illegal alien."
page 150
"That one day I could go to college and carry on. And then they took that hope away. They broke my father's heart. And they broke mine, too."
page 152
"Now I am your valedictorian. I want what you want. I want a future."
page 152

This was a very powerful speech. Aisha finally told her story, the story she was supposed to keep secret. The school knows the truth. Aisha finally came out of her cocoon and became who she really is. A butterfly.
Everyone knows. There is a story in the paper.

I know there is more but this is all I can write right now...................

i hope this is the last diablog.........

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


And it is only after the last paper plates are folded into the trash, the pots scrubbed and turned over to dry on towels, and the apartment falls quiet again that I realize none of this can last.
I chose this quote because it brings up an important point about how the story has to get bad again before the book ends. You know, Auntie and Uncle leaving, Aisha tearing up her college letters, that sort of thing. I wonder if Nadira will make things better again...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Nadira Saves the Day

All I keep thinking is I can't wait to tell Aisha.

This is what I have been waiting for. A chance for Nadira to outshine Aisha. Honestly, it's easy to outshine her when she's so down, but that's not my point. Nadira really has something to be proud of now. She saved her father and got him out of detainment AND the judges are going to reconsider residency! This might make everything OK! I wonder how Aisha will take this news.

"This ninth grader can straighten it out in five minutes! Does anyone do their homework here?"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Quote

Breathe. Get through this. Find your way to the other side.

I chose this quote because it shows that Nadira thinks she can succeed if she can get to the other side. But what is the other other side? Is 'the other side' helping her sister AND saving Abba AND saving Uncle AND making everything all better? I just don't know.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This is a Blog. I will blog now. here it GOES

Then she's disappeared. It makes me a little sad watching her [Aisha]--like she's already gone from us.
I like this quote because this is before Aisha chose not to go to her interview. It shows that Nadira hasn't figured out that Aisha has a big problem yet, or Nadira knows that Aisha will get into college, which she won't. If Aisha hadn't of given up, thi would of been a big moment for her. Instead it's big in another way, I mean it's showing that there's something bad going wrong with Aisha.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chapter 11

"'There's plenty of room, Nadira. You just have to learn how to grab it.'"

It's nice how Aisha is, well, being nice for a change. I'm glad Nadira was honest to Aisha and told her how it feels to be the little sister to a star. I like how Aisha 'moves over' for Nadira after this, but I'm not happy with the rest of the chapter. At the end of this chapter I feel really bad for Aisha and I take back everything mean I said about her.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chapter 10!!!! (blog)

After the apartment is quiet again, I realize the thud-thudding noise hasn't gone away. It's my own heart, beating fast in my chest.

I can see why her heart is beating so fast. Nadira and Aisha and---well everybody has has a hard night. I feel so sorry for Uncle. That woman at the station house was really rude and made everybody feel even worse. I wonder if anyone went back to sleep after that...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blog, Blog, Blog

"It's lonely. doing this. And Aisha, I realize, is the only one who will understand."

It does seem lonely, having to keep to yourself all the time. And the only people who you can trust fully, are your family. I have my secrets, but my secrets don't form my lifestyle. What I'm saying is I would be lonely, too.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chapter 6

Ever since I woke up and Uncle said those bad things and then later at school I tried to cheat on my test and said even worse things to Aisha--it's like we brought it on ourselves, all this misfortune, like dark water pulling us down.

Not a very positive quote. The simile of dark water is very powerful. To me, it sounds like everybody's having a bad day. It's possible things are just going to get worse. Correction: probable, not possible. I'm almost sure things have just started to get bad and will get worse, but I don't know how.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Is Aisha as stuck-up and bad as she seems? At least she's not as bad as Aisha Kandisha who's just wrong. All Aisha's doing is doing is pretending to be something she's not. Or maybe she is that good, but doesn't know it. Something's going to happen....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chapter 5 post

"Sometimes I wish I could lift out of myself and do something that really counts."
--pg. 41, Ask Me No Questions

What a good quote. Sometimes I feel that way, but then I look at the things I have created and feel better. I wonder if Nadira will do something that 'really counts' later in this book. I hope she does. But what does she mean by 'really counting'? Outdoing her sister? I think we'll find out soon enough (I haven't read ahead) but I don't know if it'll be sooner or later. I look forward to finding out. I want to know what Nadira can do.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Go, Megan!

Megan made a good point on how Nadira's parents seem to love Aisha more than they love Nadira.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Aisha Should Stop Picking on Nadira

"After she's crawled under the covers, she keeps talking in the dark, rehearsing who she wants to be the next day."
--page 24, AMNQ

I don't like how Aisha is so bossy and pushes Nadira around. She should stop pretending to be what she thinks is the ideal girl and be herself. It's possible she has been living like this for so long that she doesn't know herself and her real personality. Aisha should stop picking on Nadira and start to be a good sister.