Friday, March 20, 2009

Nadira Saves the Day

All I keep thinking is I can't wait to tell Aisha.

This is what I have been waiting for. A chance for Nadira to outshine Aisha. Honestly, it's easy to outshine her when she's so down, but that's not my point. Nadira really has something to be proud of now. She saved her father and got him out of detainment AND the judges are going to reconsider residency! This might make everything OK! I wonder how Aisha will take this news.

"This ninth grader can straighten it out in five minutes! Does anyone do their homework here?"


  1. I wonder too! Is she going to be proud or is she going to be furious. I would be proud of my sister, but also kind of jealous. Almost like, "Why didn't I think of that?" Nice Blog, Robin. Do you think that Aisha will end up going to collage now that Abba is back?

  2. I too wonder, what the heck is Aisha going to think about this? I don't think Aisha is going to get right back on the collage choo-choo train. It's sort of like when you break a bone. When it heals, you don't just go right back to swinging on the monkey bars, you go through a little physical therapy first. I think that is what Aisha is going to do. Give her some time to 'heal' and then see what she does. I don't think everything is ever going to be fully ok for that family. Great (b)log Robin.

  3. haha, we cose the same quote! this will be interesting to see what people say to bother of ours...

    I agree with Claire, that Aisha needs time to heal, becasue i think she seriously messed herself up. She was doing so well, and then she just decided college and valedictorian wasn't worth anything anymore. She thought they were going to be deported becuase there was no chance of Abba getting out. Well obviously she was wrong, because Nadira knew what she was doing and actually tried very hard to get him out, instead of assuming that they would be deported.

    I also think that Alissa is right that Aisha will be pissed. She was always the one to come up with the ideas, not Nadira. But, again, she messed up. I guess letter don't do squat, that you actually have to go to the source, show your face, and actually physically speek to the court.

    Great log Robin, do you think that Aisha will be proud, or furious?

  4. I disagree with you Nickie and Alissa. I think that Aisha will be sort of proud of Nadira, in time. Aisha has been showing more and more compassion twords Nadira.

  5. Maybe your right, Claire. Although maybe at first Aisha will be angry, and then maybe she'll soften up and take into account that Nadira was brave and saved their father. There is a good reason for both, I think.

  6. I kind have a mixed agreement with all of you guys so far. I think that Aisha will see that Nadira decided to take action, and it will hit her that she is moping around and doing nothing. I think Nadria's success will push Aisha to pull herself back together.

  7. Wow I never thought about it that way, Sara. I think maybe you are right that she has to realize that she is really failing and moping and giving up, and that Nadira's success will make her face it. Great point!

  8. Interesting thoughts Sara and Claire. I didn't look at it that way. Nice metaphor about the broken bone Claire. It was very clear what you thought. I guess we'll find out what happens later on.

  9. College choo-choo train! *Chugga chugga chugga chugga choo-choo!*
    Nice response, nickie.
    I think they all need to get home, and then focus on everything else, like, uncle, and the fact that they are still illegal, etc... and then Aisha will do whatever she will do, and then we can analyze that further.
    but yes, to chime in, i think Sara has a point, she doesn't have only two options of ways to react to this.
    I think, more than anything, she'll be happy he's out of jail. She seems like the kindof person who would punish herself for not finding the simple misspelling earlier, and maybe jealous of Nadria, and although I am interested to see how she will react, there are other things that the family needs to deal with.

  10. I think that Aisha will have mixed feelings about Nadira saving the day. I'm sure she will be thrilled that her father is out of trouble, because, why wouldn't she be? But I think she will be rather jealous and annoyed that Nadira, her 'slow,' baby sister was the one that saved the day not her. The two have become quite close recently, so I think/hope she'll keep it in, and just show that she is really and truly proud of her baby sis.

  11. I don't think Aisha is going to KNOW how to pull herself together. She needs to do a lot of soul searching to find out what to do. That an interesting thought Sara, although I don't agree with you. I agree with you Julia, she seems like she(aisha) would hate her self for not getting it, but she would be proud of her sister.

  12. Good blog Robin. I have also been waiting for Nadira to outshine her sister and she has finally done that! I don't think that everything is going to be ok still because we still have 3 more chapters. I agree with what Claire has said above. I don't think that Aisha knows were to start with trying to fix her life.

  13. Great job, Robin. I hadn't really thought about Aisha's reaction. But now that I think about it, I think I side with Lighhall. I think that Nadira's success will give Aisha a wake up call and that she'll pick herself back up.

  14. Good points everyone! Has anyone seen the second quote at the bottom?

  15. Oh ya, Robin, I did notice the quote at the bottom but I didn't comment on it because you didn't make a comment about it, so I wasn't really sure what discussion you were going for. Personally the second quote just brought a smile to my face, and I think it gave Nadira a HUGE self esteem boost!

  16. Yeah, I noticed it, too. I wasn't sure if it was suppose to be there. I thought that part was very interesting. All it took was five minutes to fix the biggest problem in the book, and it was kind of random timing, too. For sure, this has been my favorite chapter.

  17. I bet that Aisha will want to fix her life up, but as Rebecca said: she wont know where to begin... Hopefully she'll figure it out though...

    I noticed the second quote, but you didn't write why you chose it or anything, so I didn't comment on it

  18. I agree with Sara. I have come to a conclusion that I don't know what to feel for the Nadira and Aisha. Honestly I say they should suck it up and give each other a pat on the back for coming so far in their relationship. It's not about competition to see who get's their dad out of detainment fast, or who has accomplished more in life. (Well I guess Nadira does deserve to outshine her sister but still...) They should both leave off the past and work as a "team". That's my say

  19. I agree with Lighthall and Rabin, that this will give Aisha a wake up call that she should get on with her life. But I agree with Becca that she won't know where to begin. I like the second quote too, like Lighthall, I think it gave her a big self esteem boost. Especially that her father said how smart she was too. I agree with Dennyce that they should just be sisters (even though Nadira does deserve to outshine her sister) because at this time they need each other.

  20. I agree as well, maybe this will give Aisha a wake up call and finally realize she is ruining her life. Ditching school and not trying is only making the situation worse so why make it worse? I do hope that Aisha gets her head straight, and Nadira is there to help.

  21. I hope everything works out too, but there is still a few more chapters left, so i don't know what will happen. Hopefully it's good.

  22. Same I really hope everything ends well. Especially since Nadira is on a roll :D

  23. The only thing I'm pretty much worried about now is how Aisha is going to take the news. And if Abba will get residency. Hopefully everything ends okay -- i agree with Talia and Dennyce

  24. The second quote that you wrote made me really happy and proud for Nadira. I agree with what Alicia said about how Aisha will take the news but I am also really curious how Uncle and Auntie will react.

  25. Yeah, replying to what becca said, I wonder if uncle is still going to nag at abba for putting them through all this.

  26. Great Point Alicia and Rebecca. It does sound like uncle would say something like that. I wouldn't be so mad about the situation, I would be happy that they finally settled something. Hope he doesnt screw it up.

  27. I did love that quote at the bottom, when I read it in the book, it was like one of those times when you really root for the character. I thought it was awesome.
    In response to Denneyce... People have bad habits of screwing things up, half the time without even knowing it. I guess that's just the nature of people.

  28. Really great choice of quote Robin! I also am really excited to find out what happens in the book more!!!

  29. I added the quote because it summed up my argument and I thought it spoke for itself, but maybe that's just me...

  30. I really like your quote Robin, as I said before but it always makes me smile!! :)

  31. I agree with Alicia, Dennyce, and Becca. I wonder how Nadira will tell Aisha and how Aisha will take the news. Also how Auntie and Uncle will react seeing as Uncle doesn't like Abba that much...

  32. Great b(log) Robin! I'm worried that Aisha will be angry at Nadira, and put everything that Nadira has done for the family aside, and try to say that it was her idea. I agree with Alicia and Becca, Uncle might raise some hell when he hears about this.
